ybm cluster db-query-logging

Manage cluster database query logging

Use the cluster db-query-logging resource to perform operations on a YugabyteDB Aeon cluster, including the following:

  • enable, disable, and update db query logging
  • get information about db query logging


Before using these commands, you must have an integration configuration already set up. This configuration defines the authentication and connection details for the third-party tool where logs will be exported.


Usage: ybm cluster db-query-logging [command] [flags]


Enable database query logging for a cluster:

ybm cluster db-query-logging enable \
--cluster-name your-cluster \
--integration-name your-integration \
--log-line-prefix "%m :%r :%u @ %d :[%p] : " \
--log-min-duration-statement -1 \
--log-connections false \
--log-duration false \
--log-error-verbosity DEFAULT \
--log-statement NONE

Disable database query logging for a cluster.

ybm cluster db-query-logging disable \
--cluster-name your-cluster

Get information about database query logging for a cluster.

ybm cluster db-query-logging describe --cluster-name your-cluster

Update some fields of the log configuration.

ybm cluster db-query-logging update \
--cluster-name "your-cluster" \
--integration-name your-integration \
--log-line-prefix "%m :%r :%u @ %d :[%p] :" \
--log-min-duration-statement 60



Enable database query logging for a cluster and export the logs to the integration passed in the flag --integration-name.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. Name of the cluster whose database logging you want to enable.
--integration-name Required. Name of the integration that you want to use to export the logs.
--debug-print-plan Optional. Enables output of debugging output. Default is false.
--log-min-duration-statement Optional. Duration (in ms) of each completed statement to be logged if the statement ran for at least the specified amount of time. Default is -1 (log all statements).
--log-connections Optional. Log connection attempts. Default is false.
--log-disconnections Optional. Log session disconnections. Default is false.
--log-duration Optional. Log the duration of each completed statement. Default is false.
--log-error-verbosity Optional. Controls the amount of detail written in the server log for each message that is logged.
  • DEFAULT - Standard verbosity level.
  • TERSE - Minimal detail.
  • VERBOSE - Maximum detail.
Default is DEFAULT.
--log-statement Optional. Log all statements or specific types of statements.
  • NONE - Do not log any statements.
  • DDL - Log data definition language statements.
  • MOD - Log data modification statements.
  • ALL - Log all statements.
Default is NONE.
--log-min-error-statement Optional. Minimum error severity for logging the statement that caused it.
  • ERROR - Log statements causing errors.
Default is ERROR.
--log-line-prefix Optional. A printf-style format string for log line prefixes. Default is %m :%r :%u @ %d :[%p] :.


Disable database query logging for a cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. Name of the cluster whose database logging you want to disable.
-f, --force Optional. Bypass the prompt for non-interactive usage.


Fetch detailed information about the logging configuration for a cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. Name of the cluster for which you want to fetch the database query logging configuration.


Update the database query logging configuration of a cluster.

Flag Description
--cluster-name Required. Name of the cluster with database query logging configuration you want to update.
--debug-print-plan Optional. Enables output of debugging output.
--integration-name Optional. Name of the Integration.
--log-connections Optional. Log connection attempts.
--log-disconnections Optional. Log session disconnections.
--log-duration Optional. Log the duration of each completed statement.
--log-error-verbosity Optional. Controls the amount of detail written in the server log for each message that is logged.
  • DEFAULT - Standard verbosity level.
  • TERSE - Minimal detail.
  • VERBOSE - Maximum detail.
--log-line-prefix Optional. A printf-style format string for log line prefixes.
--log-min-duration-statement Optional. Duration (in ms) of each completed statement to be logged if the statement ran for at least the specified amount of time. Default is -1 (log all statements).
--log-min-error-statement Optional. Minimum error severity for logging the statement that caused it.
--log-statement Optional. Log all statements or specific types of statements.
  • NONE - Do not log any statements.
  • DDL - Log data definition language statements.
  • MOD - Log data modification statements.
  • ALL - Log all statements.